His other SG seems to have been bought later on, pointing to it being this guitar on the album.)
QE2 (Mike seems to have been using this guitar a lot at the time, and certainly its sound seems recognisable on the album. As the 62 SG still had a nickel-plated adjustable bridge when Mike sold it, that would point to the 63 SG, with a brass bridge, being a later acquisition and the 62 being the guitar used on Ommadawn.) Ommadawn (The pictures in the Boxed booklet, taken after Ommadawn was recorded, suggest that Mike had only one SG-Les Paul at the time, with a retrofitted nickel-plated adjustable bridge. He sold it through Chandler Guitars in February 2006. It became one of his most used guitars, being used extensively on albums and concerts throughout the 70s and 80s. Mike bought this to replace the SG that was stolen from The Beacon. This is one of the early models of SG which still had the Les Paul logo on the headstock. Used on Ommadawn for the sliding sounds during On Horseback. Mike used it on Hergest Ridge, before it was stolen from The Beacon. This SG was bought with some of the first royalties from Tubular Bells. Five Miles Out (Shown in the photo of Mike's studio on inside of the gatefold of the LP). Pictures of Mike at the time, as well as the 'All You Need is Love' documentary, suggest that Mike's go-to guitar was the SG/Les Paul Junior, not the Telecaster.) He slightly contradicts himself a few sentences later, in saying that "the guitar sound on Ommadawn" was that of a Les Paul Junior through a Fender amp.
Ommadawn (Mike told H & SR magazine in 1991 that this was "the main guitar on Ommadawn".It was sold in January 2010 by charity SANE to English guitarist Keith Smart. All attempts failed due to low bids and the guitar was withdrawn. The last attempt was made on Decem(Lot 277, estimate £8,000 - 12,000). It was then to be auctioned off by Bonhams on J(Lot 391) with an estimate of £25,000 - 35,000. The guitar was offered through Chandler for £20,000 but wasn’t sold. Mike later took all the finish off the guitar, leaving it as bare wood. Mike added an extra pickup - made by Bill Lawrence - to it, with the help of his dad in their garden shed. This guitar used to be owned by Marc Bolan. See also the excellent Craig Evans' Mike's Guitars and Effects Timeline. Note: these instruments are not for sale, though some have been sold in the past by Chandler Guitars.
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This list has initially been built by Christian Maguhn, with additional notes by Richard Carter and contributions by many fans.