Order of the stick tsukiko
Order of the stick tsukiko

  1. Order of the stick tsukiko how to#
  2. Order of the stick tsukiko manuals#
  3. Order of the stick tsukiko manual#

  • Start of Darkness deconstructs the hell out of the assumptions underpinning D&D as a whole, particularly Always Chaotic Evil.
  • Miko, as she develops, touches on what a Lawful Stupid Knight Templar would be like realistically.
  • Redcloak frames Tsukiko for treachery as an excuse for why he killed her - when in fact, he killed her for knowing that he is the one betraying Xykon.
  • V, of course, interrupts by disintegrating him.
  • Kubota announces his intention to do this to Therkla.
  • And you can pick Wet T-Shirt Contest as your game. Also, you can apparently do the old " challenge Death to a game for your life" thing. This is Lampshaded to the extent that a character calling for reinforcements (Haley in Old Blind Pete's cellar) suggests they bring the wherewithal to resurrect her and her friends. But price aside, it's usually not all that difficult, except when the plot requires it to be, as in Roy Greenhilt's case, or in special situations like being killed by the Snarl or dying of old age.
  • Death Is Cheap: Not literally coming Back From the Dead is actually rather expensive.
  • On the villain's side, Redcloak is no slouch either. And V's raven familiar seems to take after his wizard. Vaarsuvius comes only second to Roy in the snark, and being The Spock he's even more deadpan.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Most of the characters fall into this at some point, but Roy took extra points in this skill.
  • To be fair, he's planning to bring the dude back to life.
  • Dead Guy Puppet: Lord Shojo does this, in order to make a point that it's the heroes' fault the corpse is dead.
  • Deader Than Dead: The fate of everyone killed by the Snarl.
  • When Celia disguises herself as an evil necromancer, she uses the name Darkblood Gloomgloom.
  • When she was a gloomy goth teenager, Haley called herself Dark Mistress Shadowgale.
  • Belkar, too, is convinced of that, but defends Vaarsuvius with this argument just to mess with everyone's heads.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Invoked by Belkar after Haley assumes that V's new black robes, glowing eyes, and evil whispers mean that s/he's turned evil.
  • And then the entire Draketooth family turns out to be dead, and guess who's responsible? The Resistance falls arc and three teams are headed for the same gate: Team Evil, the Order of the Stick and The Linear Guild.
  • Things have gotten a turn for the dark starting around comic #823.
  • Not that the comic is exactly " light and fluffy", but prequel book Start of Darkness is significantly darker than the online comic's average tone.
  • Haley notes a pattern of her fighting "airborne tramps."
  • Dark Action Girl: Sabine Tsukiko Crystal Samantha.
  • He figures the Evil Empire must exist if heroic adventurers do, so why shouldn't he be the one ruling it? His scheme gets a triumphant speech explaining a continent-wide Evil Plan that involves repeatedly establishing La Résistance and the Evil Empire and letting the empire get "overthrown".
  • Even worse, he understands that even if he dies, he will be a legend and that the audience always loves the villains more.
  • order of the stick tsukiko

    Order of the stick tsukiko how to#

    This amounts to instructions on how to avoid a Bavarian Fire Drill, not having keys on overly obvious rings and not being fooled by strange sounds, among other things.

    Order of the stick tsukiko manuals#

  • Tarquin probably takes the cake by issuing manuals intended to ensure that his soldiers are equally savvy.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: Xykon Daimyo Kubota Tarquin.
  • Da Chief: The Chief, of Cliffport fame.
  • The Order of the Stick provides examples of the following tropes: Tropes A-C | Tropes D-F | Tropes G-I | Tropes J-L | Tropes M-O | Tropes P-R | Tropes S-U | Tropes V-Z PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.

    order of the stick tsukiko

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    Order of the stick tsukiko manual#

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    Order of the stick tsukiko